Fleeting Notes

Well, this 3 page comic is done for Megazeen's LUST issue (issue #8). I got caught up with schoolwork and nearly forgot all about the deadline before the guys sent out an e-mail reminding everyone. Well, took me 2 days: one to brainstorm with Jes about the story, layout, etc and penciling; two to ink and text. Well, I finished the day before the deadline (I had too, had a church party and homework making it impossible for me to even remotely touch it on Friday, October 31).

Again, it's not one of my best work--heck, the second page has nearly zero rendering but it does fit that "dreamy" thing I was aiming for. And we really had trouble coming up with something in 3 pages. The guys had wanted lust from a girl's point of view--and so I had no idea how to do it. Mostly, we, the females, just look at a nice-looking guy and admire him. We think, "Man, that's a nice looking guy," and that's about it.

I really had to dig a step deeper and do some introspection on my own to get something more akin to 'lust'. Well, I'll just be honest here, we girls (at least I do) also have to struggle with lust on a level similar to a guy's. We might not be as 'quick' to lust but it does happen. In Fleeting, I thought I would just address one of the levels of lust that we go through.

We lust to be lusted.

To dress up sexily to impress the guys and on a level to get more attention then we would usually get.

Sisters, remember that we have a responsibility to keep our brothers for falling into temptation. We might not have a shred of intention to tempt them but keep in mind that we should never make it harder anyway. And know that dressing modestly would be exercising purity and would be a step toward keeping pure at heart. ^^

This might sound cliché, but true beauty will always come from within. Also, we as daughters of Christ should seek to please Him first and foremost. ^o^

Kudos to Jes for helping me with the brainstorming and Sam for the name 'Andy'. (Yes, I had trouble making up a guy name that isn't taken by anyone close to us. I could have just made something like R'Lyashionme--but that's just being insane.)

- Ann